"Love is like the wind, you cannot see it but you can feel it"
Welcome to Supervised Child Visitations
Our mission is to have the highest respect for parents and child(ren) by creating a safe, stress-free visit to keep parent-child relationship intact.
Supervised Child Visitations is a neutral third party that provide off-site monitoring in compliance with the California Rules of Court 5.20 and Family Code 3200.5, which includes Mandated Child Abuse Reporter as defined in Section 11165.6 of the penal code.
About Sandra Jones
Sandra Jones is the Founder and Executive Director of Supervised Child Visitations. Sandra have over 25 years of extensive background with children and families. Working many years as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) Consultant with the State Department of Education No Child Left Behind/IDEA Departments. In addition, worked several years as an Intake Coordinator for children and families’ non-profit organizations.

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We will contact you!
949- 995-6121
All of Los Angeles County
Plus -
Beverly Hills
Santa Monica
Culver City
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Visitation Hours:
Flexible, by appointment,
including weekends.
Holiday Hours Available